So Much to Write… So Little Time

I heard Oprah reference her favorite moment in life the other day – she said that her favorite moment in life is the moment when she is in an airplane and taking off on an overcast day. The moment that the aircraft breaks through the clouds and rises above them. The moment when you can see the blue sky and sunshine that was there the entire time. Though we might experience cloudy days from our vantage point, the sun and blue sky remind us that there is hope, even when we are experiencing current darkness.

As a writer, I process my thoughts through writing. Like, all of my thoughts. As a mother of three young children, I am needed from the time one child wakes up until the time all of them are asleep. And in these crazy times, I have had so much to say, but not enough time to say it. I can’t write and mother simultaneously. Nor do I want to.

Here’s what I know: this is an unpredictable time, lots of people have lots of opinions, and God is sovereign.

I feel so much for all of those negatively impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. I am not in their shoes, but I am praying for them nonstop. The daily challenges that I face are NOTHING compared with those of my family, friends, and lots of people I will never meet. There is true suffering in the world right now. On so many levels. From those stuck at their jobs to those that lost their jobs; those that are confined to their homes to those that wish they had a home; those that are enjoying the slower pace to those that are tormented by it; those that know Jesus to those that don’t; those that have been battling physically to those that have been battling mentally. There are millions to pray for right now.

And still… there are overflowing opinions that are surfacing and being shared on an hourly basis. I’m not going to give my opinion about people giving theirs, I’m just going to lift each opinion and each opinion-holder up in prayer. That is really all we can do.

When you reach the point where you raise your eyes above the clouds and find the sunshine, you realize that God is always here. He has always been. He will always be. He is sovereign. He has good plans for you and for me. His purpose will prevail, no matter what the enemy tries to use against us.

Two verses I will leave you with to ponder on your own:

“If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn’t much to you in the first place.” Proverbs 24:10 MSG

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

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